The humble beginnings and vision behind Bridge Church NYC.
Bridge Church NYC was launched in April 2014, but our story began many years before that in Raleigh, NC. While pastoring a church there, James Roberson knew he wanted to start a church that existed to bridge the gap between the community and the church. A church that would intentionally invest in the lives and journeys of its neighbors, and ultimately reach the hearts of those who are disconnected from God. With that vision in mind, James and his family moved back to his home state of New York to plant a church, which was a dream he’d had since the age of 23.
Through a series of open doors and opportunities, they landed in Brooklyn, where James started a Bible Study. The Bible Study was both doctrinally sound and culturally relevant. It was a space to ask questions about Jesus so that they could be equipped to talk with their friends and neighbors. The Bible Study hosted an event called “Love, Sex & Dating” and 120 people showed up. The Bible Study and the event was shaped by our church’s purpose statement: reaching people where they are and helping them grow.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to reach people where they are and help them grow so they can impact the city for Jesus.

Sometimes life gets hard and we get stuck. Stuck in cycles that we know aren’t healthy. Stuck in feeling far from God and unable to find Him. The good news is that when we were all stuck, Jesus reached out his nail scarred hands to rescue us. And he sent his church to be his hands and feet today. In reaching people where they are, Bridge Church is simply extending the same unconditional love to you that God first offered us. You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Join us at our worship service to experience life unstuck, and free in Christ.

Did you know you were made for more? Jesus said “ I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10).” We believe this abundance is possible through emotionally healthy spiritual growth in the context of community. We believe that community is essential to our growth. As a church, we do this through our Growth Groups, the Wednesday night Bible Study, Teams, the weekday morning Prayer Call, and more. And we pursue what it looks like to apply the Word of God in the context of community.

Spread love, it’s the Brooklyn way. We believe the church is not meant to be an exclusive social club, but an inclusive rescue mission. Jesus commanded his followers to “Love your neighbor (Matthew 22:39).” New York City is an amazing place, but it can also be a hard, lonely place. We aim to show the love of Christ in word and deed. We partner with Next Steps Community Church who provides food, clothing, and social services for those in need. It’s why we launched Pray March Act to address the social injustices in our community. And why we reach out to our neighbors, introducing them to the One whose love changed us, and we believe will change the world one person, one block, one borough, and one city at a time.